Museo Antropologia (CDMX)

Mexico City. This must-see, astounding mega museum represents Prehispanic cultures from every region of Mexico. During the Revolucion holiday weekend, it was absolutely packed with locals, enjoying a free-day, which appeared to be timed with school assignments, which the whole family worked on together, it seemed. All the visitors, mostly families, were super engaged and thoroughly diligent. A noticeable practice here is to photograph every label (!) or to read each label into a phone recorder (!). And to photograph their kids, in front of each (amazing) relic. The heart of the museum is the central gallery on Mexico City, built on the sacred lake of the Mexica peoples. Watching the visitors here, there is a palpable sense of a living connection between Mexican visitors and their ancestry.

Outside the museum, a Totanac tradition, Pola Volador